Five * changed to Four*
This rating was given because of the unique way this story was written. The his and goddesses are actually here on earth and they still have their own mountain. The story is well thought out, written and expressed.
I liked our heroine Skye because of her core of steal. Skye is strong of character, spirit and heart. The trials that Skye has too endure through this book elicits a wide range of feelings from you. I mean she wakes up on the bank of a river wet and hurting. To top that off she can't remember a thing about herself. Then while working to compensate for staying on Mary's ranch she finds out that their is more too the people that are helping her than she ever though possible. The only real criticism I have, is that the sadness that is described when Skye can't feel anymore and she leaves the man she loves is not powerful enough. I felt like I should have shed at least one tear in that scene. The scene was very emotional and heart felt, I could feel myself getting drawn into it but the scene just never fully materialized for me.
Aiden is very powerful, and that power shows wherever he goes. He has the strength of Hercules and I would imagine that type of power radiates off of him. Aiden has done a lot of things in his very long life, all in the name of the greater good. However, some of those actions have left serious scares on his soul. He has sworn that he will no longer let someone else dictate what he should do and when; but when Skye walks into his life, he knows that his life is about to change dramatically. I wish that in the prologue when giving the background of his life, that the intensity would have followed into the book when he is explaining that part of his life to Skye. This is another powerful scene and I just feel that it could have elicited more feeling from me.
If you enjoy reading about the god/desses, you will enjoy this. It doesn't go by any of the pantheons and it doesn't mention any of the old god/desses, however, it is a fresh way to view them.
P.S. I have to change my five star to a four. With the criticism about the scenes and not being as powerful as they should be, I just don't feel right about giving this a perfect score.
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